Team 8: Mohammed Al Jowder, Kamal Kamal, Humood Jassim, Marwan AlZori, Ahmed Siddiqi, and Abdullah Baaqeel
Executive Summary
As part of DePaul’s MBA program, held at Bahrain Institute of Banking & Finance, each student need to participate as part of Project Team to held an event, it could be charity, service, etc… in this regard Group # 8, comprising of 6 members, gone through projects held by earlier batches of the same course. Result of idea brain storming session, was to come-up with something unique, never happened in Bahrain Held Cancer Awareness Program and Discussion Forum, at Princess Al Jawhara Centre for Molecular Medicine & Inherited Disorders, with support of local societies participating for the same cause, correctness of cancer miss-concepts and importance of family’s moral support and provide awareness to society of cancer disease in general, as well as Success Stories of patients who survived, with their continuous hi spirit. Keeping in mind that this event will be pioneer as discussion forum for cancer survivors.
Event held on 18th March 2017, planning and execution time horizon was less than 2 weeks, aiming correctness of cancer miss-concepts and importance of family’s moral support and provides awareness to society of cancer disease in general, Success Stories of patients who survived, with their continuous hi spirit. Event was attended by new cancer patients who took advantage of asking sparkers about their advices to overcome this disease as well as other survivors who were recognized during this event. It was pioneer as discussion forum for cancer survivors in the future as well
Project Proposal
i.Background: Purpose of holding this session was to spread Cancer Awareness and sharing Success Stories of Survivors, aiming to bring maximum number of affected people, both patients and family members, under ONE roof, to share their experience and how they managed to live again, with their willingness and well power.
- Covey the message using Social Media, TV Coverage, Radio, YouTube, etc..
- Amplify Awareness
- Raise Hope, to fight the disease
- Affected person shouldn’t be felt isolated from the society
- Moral Support by family members
- Right approach for complete cure
iii. Time-frame: within 2 weeks to held the event from the acceptance of the proposal
iv.Key stakeholders:
- DePaul University / Project Management Professor
- MBA-13, Group 8 members
- Sponsors
- Attendees
- Social Media / Promoters
Implementation Plan
Project Management Institute (PMI) Methodology adopted while executing this projects, covering ALL processes groups, summarized as below:-
a. Initiation: Project Charter, with core team formation will be formalized
b. Planning: Detailed Plan, covering all major milestone, with clearly identified Critical Path, budgeting, resources allocation
i. Level 1 Schedule as below:
- Kick-off date
- Baseline Schedule reviewed and agreed with all stakeholders
- Finalizing agreement with sponsors
- Location identified
- Invitation sent to all participants
- Forum and Awareness Campaign startedForum Conclusion / Close-out
c. Executing: Project Team executed actions listed in the master plan
d. Monitoring and Controlling: Close monitoring of all activities along with progress reporting, to avoid any slippage
e.Closing: Upon completion, project closed formally, after full-filling all requirements identified at initiation and planning phase.
High-level Work-Break down Structure (WBS)
Risk Management Plan
Risk management plan, prepared at early planning stage, listing and identifying all possible risks / opportunities the project might face during execution, summarized as below in Risk Breakdown Structure and Risk Assessment Matrix
Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)
Risk Identification and Response Plan
Risk Assessment Matrix
Project Team Presentation
Presentation was made on 21st March 2017 at BIBF, summarizing all activities performed through the project life cycle, from Initiation to close-out
Media Coverage
Bahrain News Agency Coverage
Social-Media Coverage
Photos of the event
Speakers on Stage, with their success stories
Glimpse at Attendees
Feedback and Surveys Summary
Project Financials
Budget (Revenue & Cost): Field Project is an awareness session, not intending to generate any revenue, however cost summary as below:
Rental Fee of the avenue BHD 300
Rent of Sound System BHD 100
Premium Gifts/Shields BHD 300
Total Cost BHD 700
Above cost covered by the sponsors:
- Saudi Plastic Hoses Company (Based in Saudi Arabia)
- Kuwait Finance House (Based in Bahrain)
Besides the above, 4 sets of Smart Phones were given by VIVA -Bahrain , (approx. BHD 1,000)
Project success Indicators
Major Key Performance Indicators identified for Success measurement, listed as below:
- Number of Audience: Targeted number of attendees is around 200, which was the main reason for choosing the current venue. The actual number of attendees exceeded 250.
- Sponsorship: Efforts exerted to maximize the support for companies, which will eventually help in reaching maximum people, and increase number of attendees as well, targeted sponsorship amount is BHD 1000, and actual sponsorship exceeded BD 1,700.
- TV/Radio Coverage: Event announcement and coverage through national TV or Radio.
- Feedback: “Hope” is the name of our event; feedback collected through survey.
Take-home lessons
- If it’s not written down, it does not exist
- ‘No News’ is not necessarily good news
- Warning: dates in the schedule are closer than you think
- If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail
- A project becomes one year late, one day at a time