Advertising: The Connection for Twitter and Television


Anyone who has a Twitter knows that it is not out of the ordinary for users to tweet about a certain television show or sports program as they are watching it. While Twitter users may think this is just them stating their opinions to the Twittersphere, these tweets are actually giving the social networking site an opportunity to capitalize on advertising.

Last year, Twitter partnered with ESPN and Ford to expand their advertisement section. The partnership with ESPN and Ford allowed for replays from football games to be promoted to people who showed interest in sports. The executives at Twitter saw this worked in their favor, and wanted to continue  improving their advertising process. They knew their advertising results would not change unless they implemented another change into their process. They needed to stretch their goals beyond where they were currently standing.

Twitter executives are taking the steps towards improvement by capitalizing on all activity users are sending out during programs. A new product will send ads to people who are commenting about multiple programs. In other words, brands will now be able to match advertisements with tweets sent out by viewers.

Twitter said they will be working with media companies, including Time Inc., Bloomberg, Discovery, Vevo, Vice Media, and Warner Music Group to allow a format of digital video or television clips from the shows.  Those clips will then be able to be shared on Twitter by users, and advertisements can be run before or after the videos are viewed. Matt Derella, a director of brand and agency strategy, said, “When people turn on TV they turn on Twitter.”

Do you think this move will be beneficial to Twitter? Do you foresee people sharing these clips and getting advertisements out there? 


6 thoughts on “Advertising: The Connection for Twitter and Television

  1. I am definitely one of those individuals who enjoy tweeting and watching, at the same time. When my TimeLine is filled with my followers thoughts an opinions on a show, I enjoy getting involved and expressing my opinion, as well. But that is it; and once the show is over, my focus goes somewhere else. I don’t think this will be that big of a deal in the business world because it is just a short span of entertainment, especially since there are many other ways to replay shows (YouTube, Hulu, etc) But we will see how this works out. Good post.

  2. I think this is a good idea to give people personalized advertising. It will possibly make people more attracted to the products being advertised.

  3. I am also one of the individuals who enjoy tweeting and watching sporting events at the same time. Twitter’s platform is so huge when sporting events are on. I would be curious to see what the impact of Twitter updates is when an event such as the Super Bowl or Stanley Cup is on. Other companies already do this technique so I also do not think it will be that much of a difference for Twitter users.

  4. I think this will only be effective if the advertisements are entertaining to the user. If they are relevant to the person then they may be interested, but if it is some kind of funny or shocking viral post then it is more likely to be shared by users, talked about, and obtain more attention. Boring and informative advertisements will be overlooked on Twitter.

  5. I totally see this being successful! Not only with twitter but anything that contains hashtags. Now a days a lot of the popular TV shows tell you what to hashtag with your post at certain periods of the show/game, whatever it might be. The audience loves doing this because we get to feel involved. These kind of strategies also makes those who dont have twitter accounts, makes them want to get accounts to feel involved with their shows! Great strategies on both parts.

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