How Will Consumer’s Transparency Influence Google “Glass” Demand?



Since 1998, Google has had a mission “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. Over the years many would say this goal has been accomplished. Therefore, it is no surprise that Google has “earned their keep” among internet users and has become the face of many home internet search engines around the world. Now Google is stemming off the confines of their internet browser and will be showing the world an entirely new meaning of their mission with Google Glass. With Glass, there are people who think Google will literally be the face of the world for years to come.


In my opinion, the idea behind Google Glass is not as ground-breaking of a product as many have made it out to be. The idea for a wearable recording product has been introduced to the market already through Oakley Video camera glasses X300, and the Go Pro Head Video Camera. Also, we have seen wearable headsets for talking on the phone introduced already with technology such as Bluetooth headsets, etc.


However, I think Google’s innovation lies in their ability to incorporate and capitalize on their already previously established products using Glass. With features such as their voice command technology being synced with “Google Translate”, their digital voice assistant (“Google Now “) being incorporated to help keep track of your daily habits, “Google Maps” being the products GPS system, and even the Google search engine being at the consumers disposal to use when seeking information from their Glass device. Also, Glass will be able to meet the modern day needs of the cell phone for consumers with technology that lets you record and take pictures instantly. To me the idea behind the quality function deployment of this product is brilliant because it meets the modern day needs for cell phone consumers, and also meets the needs for Google’s consumers and translates all of this into one “grand-daddy” product.


But what do you think about the target design of the product? How do you feel about people wearing a live streaming, recordable device on their face? One parent commented, “As a parent, the thought of Google Glasses being anywhere near a place where my small children exposed themselves in the open like a restroom scares the heck out of me”. I think this parents concern is valid and so does Google.

Google has been working a way to tackle this issue of privacy through releasing their product to Google’s developers, journalists and a few other early adopters to test. While there still hasn’t been any release of       information about Google deciding a technological way to fix this, there have been suggestions of adapting etiquette techniques of when and where to take them off.


To me it seems unrealistic that everyone will obey “Glass Etiquette.” Also, adapting etiquette techniques could take away the sense of “freedom” Glass truly offers for consumers. If certain restaurants, bars, coffee shops, etc, don’t allow the device to be worn, it seems owning one would be more of a hassle. Thus, this issue of privacy could dramatically impact the demand for their product and Glass’s competitive advantage in the technological industry.


If there were restrictions implemented to where Glass can be use, would you as the consumer feel like the product has met your satisfaction? How will this issue of privacy effect the product life cycle of Glass? Why do you foresee a long product life cycle or a short product life cycle?


14 thoughts on “How Will Consumer’s Transparency Influence Google “Glass” Demand?

  1. Today it seems like anything that comes out of Google will be a success. They have brought us an amazing search engine, cellular phones, tablets, and now the new innovation, Google Glass. While I do share the same concerns that you have regarding Google Glass being used in private settings, I do not believe it will be as bad as it may seem. These Glasses will be priced fairly highly when introduced and will likely be targeted for a specific customer. You mentioned that Oakley has released their own recording glasses in the past and it seems like there has not been any mention in the news of the glasses being used to record private settings. These would be no different than someone walking around with their phone recording activities. I believe an easy fix for this problem would be to illuminate a light from the Glasses anytime that they are used to record or to take pictures of something. I believe the idea is interesting but I wonder how well these products will catch on with the market. Regardless, I am interested in how Google will tackle this issue.

  2. I think Google Glass will do well right now and in the future. This is a big step further into the world of technology for us. As time will pass, Google will find better ways to enhance the product and deal with these privacy issues that people are concerned about today. Also stressing on the privacy issue, it may be easier for people, currently, to take pictures, record videos, and invade privacy with their phones as it will be with Google Glass, and it appears that Google Glass will make it more obvious when someone is taking pictures or videos of others. Furthermore, with current media, such as Facebook and YouTube, people watch what they say or do as it can be easily broadcasted throughout the world. So perhaps, with Google Glass people may become more cautious of their behavior in public than ever. Also, if the privacy issues gets out of hand, and in order to eliminate this privacy dilemma altogether, Google may need to take off the camera, which is one of the greatest selling points of Google Glass. Possibly, Google can fit a LED light or indicator, which will turn on when someone is recording in order to alleviate the matter of privacy.

  3. I would say I foresee a short product life cycle, if Google glass can used like Android phone, so people can replaced this product as phone.
    If I am the consumer, I do not think that I will feel this product has met my satisfaction. You cannot take off if people have myopia or hyperopia, will they be able make this Google glass as glasses. Moreover, if it does so, it affect a lot of products that will be in decline sales, such as smartphone, glasses and Bluetooth headsets.

  4. Glass is not much different than any other phone. Therefore, security breaches occur on digital devices such as Smart phones frequently, often without the user being aware of it. Google glass is a very innovate product, where it tracks you eye movement and makes data requests based on which direction you are looking. Thus, it raises a big concern, such as collecting information without active permission of the user.

  5. I know Google glass is in its earliest inception there will be much greater iterations that they have and most likely are still working on. Innovation at its finest is what Google displays with everything they release. Their product development cycle and innovation theories are far beyond what any of us really understand. I see a long product cycle because the technology behind google glass is still very new. Augmented Reality has been here for a few years now but google just implement it into a product. We will see multiple product extensions and more retail push as the technology gets greater. This is how technology works, they release an ALPHA or BETA version to gauge early innovators of the product and adjust based on feedback. I hate to use Apple as the example but when they released the first Iphone it did not even have a copy and paste feature. Google glass will be a product that perfects a technology and this will apply to multiple verticals.

  6. You make a very good point about the security and privacy concerns associated with Google Glass. I think that the concerns are valid, but in reality Google Glass doesn’t seem any more threatening than cellphones and other small cameras that already exist. Google Glass appears to be revolutionary and I think it would be a shame if the possible actions of a few immoral people keep the product from being enjoyed by everyone else.

  7. I think Google Glass is showing where the future of technology is going. It is kind of scary to think that sometime near in the future, almost everything will start to be recorded, because technology like Google Glass will make it so easy. On the other hand, having a cellphone like device that are glasses instead of normal could help with some problems we are currently facing. When you are in the car, texting and driving will become alot safer because you can talk to Google Glass, instead of looking at your phone and texting by hand. All in all we will have to wait and see what this future technology holds.

  8. I think my level of satisfaction would go unchanged. Though there will be some places that don’t allow Google Glass in their facilities, there will be many places that do; so I would just go elsewhere. Additionally, the issue of privacy I think will be over blown initially, but after some time, people will get used to it and it will no longer be a significant concern within the larger consumer base. The product life cycle of this product depends largely on its ability to integrate itself into people’s lives. If Google can successfully make Glass an integral part of our daily lives, it could be around for a long time; maybe even one day replacing, or leading to products that replace, the smartphone.

  9. This is definitely quite an interesting post. It is definitely true that Google is not the true innovator in this field, although whenever a large corporation such enters a market all eyes are turned on them to contribute something remarkable. I believe Google Glass could be one of those rare inventions that becomes an integral part of the way we live, however it will probably require much refining. It will be interesting to consider how Google is able to handle all this expansion. We know it is a large public corporation that is constantly driving in revenue and being in the best employees, but for each product and market they decide to engage in competition, it will involve more and more effective work and management.

  10. If there were restrictions on where I could wear Google Glass, than I would not be a satisfied consumer. When I purchase a product, I expect to use it wherever I want. Restrictions on Google Glass decrease the value of Glass overall. I think that people should not expect any privacy in public. They should realize that they may be recorded at any time and place. It is the 21st century and Google Glass is just the beginning. I expect other companies, such as Apple, to create more innovative products that decrease privacy but increase connivence and technological advancement.

    1. Corrected Version:

      If there were restrictions on where I could wear Google Glass, than I would not be a satisfied consumer. When I purchase a product, I expect to use it wherever I want. Restrictions on Google Glass decrease the value of Glass overall. I think that people should not expect any privacy in public. They should realize that they may be recorded at any time and place. It is the 21st century and Google Glass is just the beginning. I expect other companies, such as Apple, to create more innovative products that decrease privacy but increase convenience and technological advancement.

  11. This is going to be bad in the long run because politicians will ban them in the long run. It is against someone’s privacy to be taping them in some states. So this may expand to other cities and this will affect the business because the consumer will not buy it if they cannot tape record. But they may be able to tape personal activities but in the public it may be banned. It is also possible to jail break the glasses so nobody can know that you are recording. This will cause many problems in the future.

  12. In my opinion the privacy restrictions will have a interesting effect on the life cycle of the google glasses. It could help the lifecycle in that people would feel comfortable having google glass around them knowing that their privacy is being respected.

    However I also believe that it could hurt because I know that for me as a purchaser of this product I would not feel that the product fulfilled its promise if there were restrictions. The issue of privacy will make google glass less popular and people less likely to allow them to be worn because of their lack of privacy restriction and then it will discourage sales knowing that people cannot use them freely.

    I foresee the product lifecycle to be extremely short because of the complications regarding the potential limits to be set on it. I also think that products like smart phones and tablets are sufficient to get data and record things much more efficiently and cost effectively than the glasses.

  13. As technology continues to advance, it is difficult for me to accept that privacy is becoming more and more obsolete. One can find just about everything on the internet, and I believe Google Glasses will only facilitate that even more. My issue with further integrating technology into our daily lives is that people will lose their ability to normally interact. Already relationships are suffering because people feel more comfortable texting rather than setting aside time to meet with friends face to face. Technology cannot replace physical contact, but I believe that computer companies are trying to challenge us on that. How much more convenience do we need? Don’t we have it good enough here in the United States? Why not develop products that will help bring people out of poverty instead of only producing toys for the rich? I think there should be a limit to all of this for not only our privacy’s sake, but also for our society’s sake. Soon enough we will be robots ourselves.

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