Apple iPhone 5: Top 6 defects and disadvantages

Lines were out the door in every place possible they were sold at a day in advance. Over 5 million phones were sold in the first 3 weeks. This is the tallest, lightest, fastest and slimmest iPhone out yet. The iPhone 5 has only been out for a week and customers are already complaining about it. There are plenty of defects in the iPhone 5 but the top complains it had was:

-The phone gets too hot to handle- When talking or going through the phone for a few minutes the phone gets too hot to use.

-iPhone 4s has better battery life- The heat issue is related to the battery life on the iPhone 5.

-Scratch- Customers were told the iPhone 5 was harder to scratch but when taking the phone out of the box they found box they found scratches on the back.

-Siri is officially a bimbo- Siri messes up on little problems like what the weathers like in certain countries.

-LTE reception issues- Mainly for Verison when switching to LTE the service drops down to 2 bars.


There are many many other defects in phone but this is most common. So why is it that customers still decide to buy the most recent technology? Why is it that people still decide to get the latest phone if it seems like its a never ending process?

6 thoughts on “Apple iPhone 5: Top 6 defects and disadvantages

  1. After reading this post I am a bit skeptical now when it comes to making the decision to upgrade my phone to the iPhone 5. Maybe Apple were over confident to their customers when saying that this phone would be their best one yet. Sure all the new features are great but does that make up for everything everyone is complaining about regarding the lphone. Reading these top complaints really makes me concerned as to how much quality control Apple did when producing this phone. Why would I want to spend $200+ dollars for a phone that gets to hot to handle, has a shorter battery life than my Iphone currently, and the one feature I use the most Siri can’t even get simple things right. I think people are still going to buy this new version because like most of society, we like to have the newest technology and here it is. I am curious though how many people have decided to not buy the phone since hearing about all these complaints? And how Apple is going to handle these complaints as well.

  2. From reading this article it really is no surprise that the iPhone 5 already has so many defects. My father purchased the phone the day it came out because he had a full upgrade and was very disappointed by the phone. He previously had the iPhone 4s and said that the quality on his old phone is much better then the iPhone 5. Similar to the article, my father also noticed several scratches on the back of his phone. He actually called the company to complain and they said that they would replace it, but would take several weeks. I am kind of happy that I did not run out and purchase the iPhone 5 right away because I am sure in a couple months there will be another hot phone out with less problems.

  3. It’s simple, people like to have the latest technology because that is the norm of the society in which we live. We live in a world of instant gratification, so people have to have things first, which explains the huge lines outside the Apples stores. I think another reason that people were so quick to get the iPhone 5 is because they have seen the quality of the previous iPhones and other Apple products. The hype of the iPhone 5 was tremendous because of the new features, and I think Apple has built a reputation as the king of the smartphone. Not many would have predicted the defects of the new phone, and part of that is due to the passing of Steve Jobs. However, as each new addition of the iPhone comes out every 1-2 years, people feel inclined to get the newest technology whether it is because they have an upgrade or they just want the latest and greatest. It is definitely a sign of social status for some people.

  4. The iPhone has created such a stigma for itself. Apple is one of the most innovated companies of our generation in our minds. There is no other technology company that has the impact to make people want every new product they produce. I have been looking to upgrade from the iPhone 3g to the new 5. The biggest flaw that I have found with the new iPhone is that it is no longer the same charger as every other iPhone and iPod that is on the market. To me this was one of the best features of an iPhone. Most people have owned either an iPhone or an iPod therefore where I can usually use someone’s charger. With the new iPhone 5, this is not possible and therefore a complete inconvenience.

  5. I feel that these “defects” are not a big deal and that people are making a big deal out of nothing. Since apple introduced the first Iphone back in 2007 it changed the game for smart phones. Apples Iphones have been the top selling phones for the past five years. All the “defects” that were stated are software issues. Once Apple updates there firmware, it will get rid of all most all these small problems. As an Iphone user I say the only mistake apple made with its new Iphone 5 is that they changed the charging port. Even though this is a huge deal for some I can understand why Apple came out with the new charging port. To make the Iphone 5 the thinnest smart phone in the world they had to give up there universal charging port and switch to something smaller.

  6. What it comes down to is people will always want something that is a status symbol. In a world where people live beyond their means on a daily basis, a lot of times it has nothing to do with the ‘quality’ of the product, it was has to do with differentiation and brand name. I do believe that the iPhone has far too many kinks, however they knew that regardless of the flaws, people would still line up to get this phone. It all boils down to two options for technology, either you have an Apple product, or you don’t.

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