The Importance of Having many friends

The notion of having friends in life is powerful. But even more powerful is the importance of supply-chain management. In a recent

article, Apple, Inc’s various suppliers are readily learning the importance of inviting other mobile devices companies as friends into their supply

chain management circle. According to the article “Down the Apple food chain, profits and some worry”, Apple, Inc’s suppliers are so hung over their relationship

with Apple that business elsewhere has nearly gone extinct.


For example, Tri-Quint, a supplier of power amplifiers that help Iphones communicate with cell towers are experiencing growth due to

its decreasing shares of stock by 58% in 2011. A good reason is due to the fact that Tri-Quintis so focused on its biggest customer rather than leveraging its

relationship with Apple, Inc’s many competitors. According to the, “things have gotten so bad for Tri-Quint that the company had to help makers of Android mobil devices find new suppliers.


Despite the problematic concerns over Apple, Inc’s various suppliers, one suppliers of the technology company (Cirrus, Inc) has seen the better days–since its price of stock has risen 39% this year. The success of Cirrus, Inc is due to the intorduction of Apple 4S–whose intro is mainly due to the Cirrus technology. However, Cirrus has plenty of other suppliers. It is easy to claim that if indeed Cirrus keeps Apple, Inc as its only market, then stock prices will indeed fall.


As a question to my classmates, what is the importance of keeping many buyers in hand instead of dealing with one big buyer?

Below is the link to the article:


The Effects of innovations in Business

In business, many corporations come and go. Whether it be a technology corporation or a fashion corporation–the fact of the matter is that manny die off. What saves the few percentage of corporations though is the positive effect of the consistent innovations used within the corporations. It is safe to examplify Apple, Inc. The innovations of Apple, Inc is that of transforming itself from PC making operations into mobil and entertainment devices. Apple, Inc’s innovation over  the life span of its existence has afforded the company much success.

On the other hand, corporations that fail to exist in today’s market have experienced managerial lack of innovation. For example, Blockbuster, Inc’s demise is due to the inability of managers to use innovations as a means by which to–not only survive–but to thrive in today’s market. The use of innovation in the business universe can also apply in the classroom of the world’s different colleges/universities. During the first day in Management this past Friday, students of the course have participated in team-work activities (Building a tower with spaguetti, and following nodes). These team-work activities have facilitated students’ understanding of the materials taught in class by the professor. Using in-class games for full knowledge and understanding is the best way–I believe students should learn.