Coding Your Future

I read this article today (posted below) about the importance of learning code. Computer code is used in all the technology we know and love. It suggested that if we are able to learn how to code and become proficient, you will get a job. Technology is in high demand and companies are coming up short in terms of programmers.

This led me to think about forecasting. One of the most important forecasts in our lives right now is the job-market forecasts, which is essentially a mix of a demand forecast and an economic forecast. In these tough economic times, jobs are not easy to come by. This is why we sit here in classes daily and stress over productivity and crashing problems. We are investing in our future through college in hopes it will help us land stable and fulfilling jobs, however we need to know where the opportunities lie. While only some of us go and pursue some pipe-dream career, most current students look at report after report of what the best jobs in the future will be and what are the most stabile and growing industries. We are prepping ourselves just as retailers stock inventory for Christmas. Our degrees and classroom experiences are our inventory.

Although it is no surprise that learning code can land you a job but I had no idea how very valuable it was. In the article it states that, “So few Americans know how to program that firms like Google and Facebook are actually buying whole companies just for their code-literate employees, in what are known as ‘talent acquisitions.’” Information like this is very important to students, especially ones that are about to enter the job market soon. It can be a heads up to maybe take a computer programming course as an elective. By following the forecast in the job-market, it can spur new ideas for courses to take and majors to pursue and overall, make you more valuable as a resource to any company.

6 thoughts on “Coding Your Future

  1. When I think about it, we as humans can be viewed as a product. We go through the life cycle, building our skills and trying to become the best on the market. To be for example the fastest typist, to know many languages, develop unknown computer skills. We are always in search for different ideas, and inquire ways to always be on top. And once we do land the dream job we continue to strive to different, to be unique in the work environment so you don’t fear for the job. If we are skilled at something no one else knows we become that long lasting product that life cycle never ends.

  2. I agree with your post. I find it interesting that technology with programmers is now in demand. I remember when my brother went to DePaul (he graduated about three years ago). When he was deciding on his major his adviser told him not go into a major with computers because they already had too many and it would be too hard to get a job, and now there is a shortage. When picking a major you need think about what the job market will look like when you graduate.

  3. I’m SO glad you wrote this post! Awesome programmers are definitely on high demand. I’m currently working on a teach startup, and let me tell you, almost every person I know who is in the tech industry could use another great coder. If I would have known this 10 years ago, I would have stopped playing those computer games and learned how to actually make one. I have a lot of respect for those who program. It’s definitely like learning a new language.

    PS. If any of you know of any programmers, let me know!

  4. The most interesting part of your post to me was the fact that Google and Facebook bought whole companies just for their ability to code. I have never even heard of companies buying other companies just for the talent that their employees have. This talent acquisition of trying to get people who are code literate just shows how much more we are relying on technology and how being proficient in technology will help you in your job search.

  5. You make a good point about job forecasting because the job force is so competitive that it is essential for to make yourself stand out among all the other college graduates. Programming is a great career, but what should all the students who do not want to follow that path do to make as much money? Perhaps the solution is that the student must compromise by letting go of what one would love to study versus what would be most prudent to study.

  6. Job forecasting as any other type of forecasting is certainly unpredictable. It is sad that a large number of students chose their majors based on some report that maybe right but not completely accurate. I guess the only way to make our majors and careers work is by acquiring as many skills as possible in diverse topics. This way we will be extending the maturity phase of our job life cycle.

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