Jordan brand limited shoes release crimes

Jordan brand and their shoe release. I am a huge Michael Jordan fan and collect shoes for about the past ten years. One thing I have noticed from the Brand over their years is how their operations have been on rise. However at what cost do you ask? Their sales are doing great with the idea of rereleasing old retro Jordan shoes to the public that sell out in hours. The Jordan brand over the have introduce a great operation strategy over their shoes to maximize sell and have a huge aftermarket reseller of the shoes to people. People are waiting in line for days just for the retro jordan 23.

The one problem I see they have is everyone is a huge fan of Michael Jordan. People are actually robbing, shooting, killing and fighting for the shoes. Just a couple of month ago they rerelease the air Jordan retro 11 concords. As some may not know what that means it is the shoe that Michael Jordan wore in the Space Jam movie right after he retired and returned to the NBA.

People who had to buy the shoes had to be escorted by police officers back to their car and helped out the store so people would not rob them.

The operations behind this idea were great but at what cost to a human life. Why should one person have to be escorted back to their car? Do you feel it is right for companies to limit production in their operations to see people get hurt and die over some sneakers?

This also goes for the next new toy children’s want for Christmas? That’s another time for that one. The Jordan brand does not just implement this in America as their operations strategy.  They spread this through their new strategy in Europe, Asia, and Australia. They went global with their operations and have now began to have limited release in each country like for the past two years they release the special editions for the Chinese new Years, only in China, the special editions for Paris basketball tournament, Jordan basketball classics, oregan university and players editions. Many have surfaced but none other than the limited release in the United States that has caused the most problem. Even the president of the United States there is a problem with this and still the brand is operating in the same manner and they are not held accountable for people and damages being done. Don’t you think certain actions if know could prevent harm should be done? Just like those commercial on TV with people who have used this drugs can sue?,0,4099247.column

Nike Operation in Vietnam


Nike operating dilemmas as they try to outsource their factories. As you already know or nor Nike has outsourced their manufacturing plants in China and Taiwan for the past decade. The cheap labor and great cost cutting ability was a no brainer for Nike to outsource their operations oversea. It has been a great run that had to come to an end. With China and Taiwan booming with business as a result of importing ten times lesser than exporting their economy has flourished.

Nike had to make the decision to move to another third world country to produce their goods and products. The next stop Vietnam, where they would have their products made.

However in the past five years their operations in foreign countries in China, Taiwan and Vietnam and surfaced their poor labor management of their factories. Dubbing Nike with the sweatshop operations of the 21st century. Nike has gain a horrible reputation and their sales have sloped for the past few years.

Documentary has surfaced of workers being miss treated and asking CEO of Nike to help. Nike operations have been hit hard and CIO of the company has been frantically trying to fix the mess they have caused. The labor rules in Vietnam are not as strict as it is in America. Nike has tried to employ independent factory, which was their first mistake. Many of the independent factory owners bought used and harmful equipment from third parties where they modified the safety shutoff.

Why? To be able to mass-produce product without stopping. This caused many injuries that were not reported to Nike because they were independently owned. The average wage in Vietnam for workers is about $2 a day or 40,000 dong. Nike workers in Vietnam made $2 more than the daily wage making about $100 in a month.

Nike operation was not just devastating to the company because of the sweatshops. Nike had a huge jump in defective goods reaching American buyers. Especially there most notable brand the Jordan brand that brings in $500 millions in revenue a year for Nike nearly half their revenue. Nike has failed in the new operations management in a new country. Their number one selling product line is even has defect reaching America. The Jordan brand had retro shoes released in limited quantities hyping up the buyers and sneaker heads everywhere.

Nike with all their experience in China and Taiwan should have seen this entire coming and had it in their management strategy and mission of their company to promote their product. Their operations management team has failed in every way. The CIO of the company has been frantically trying to make a change however there number one product line has hit an all time peak in sales with many of their products being defective.

Do you think if Nike had better strategies their operations plan in Vietnam their sales would have doubled or triple for the past few years?

The sales in there Jordan Brand has not fell even with all the defects. If Nike could have improved their Operations management team in Asia and Vietnam I feel they could have increase their reputation and sales of their company as a whole.