Home-based jobs are not a new phrase to people who have being an employee or who are still looking for a job any more, many reports reflect that the tendency of this kind type of jobs will increase in the future. “Telecommuters” is the term which names those people who are doing their jobs far away from the offices of their companies . Applying the knowledge about project triangle we have learned in management class, we can find that this type of jobs which allow people staying in home is more challenging to managers to test the “performance, time and cost” compare with the traditional style of going-office-work.
In the article “What People Really Do When They’re ‘Working From Home ’,” Venessa Wong depicts the facts about the things people doing at home during the normal office hour are mostly not related to the work. Author cited the survey from Wakefield Research that “43percent watch TV or a movie and20percent play video games” during the time when these employees are suppose to dealing their works. Also, the survey shows that some of these employee having drink or naps during the working time. While we think this type of job may not be an appreciated one for employers, author provides us a turning point of view that “according to preliminary findings fromStanfordUniversity’s study,” those telecommuters, although have so many distractions, still performing a more effective and productive work “than their peers in the offices”.
At this point of view, we can see that home based jobs seem being in its introduction age, where we can hear many criticizing and agreeing comments about this type of job. On the PoweHomeBiz.com, we can observe the 8 benefits from home based jobs, which concludes by Lyve Alexis Pleshette in her article “Why Work at home”. We can see the benefits are “to gain the person freedom, to reap financial benefits, to exploit tax advantage, to be with the family, to reduce stress, find a job enrichment, to increase productivity, to harness competitive advantages”. However, there also having some counterpoints which indicating that it is actually restrict employees’ freedom where workers have to keep in touch with officers, otherwise they may become the “missing teammates”. Some people also prefer to wearing formal suits, working at an office, and having lunch with their colleagues where they can gossiping their boss.
In Venessa’s article, she concludes the views from many reports which interviewed the bosses of home-based-employees, that the performances are depend on the arrangement scheduled by employees themselves. They think that as long as the works have been down appropriately, the processes are inessential.
Do you think home based jobs are nice jobs to all employees? Do you think the self-controlling-time employees gain from this type of job has been used effectively?